Not compatible with X-Plane 12 - new version coming soon!
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Loaded with new features, the Traveler provides a great VFR flying experience with the convenience of a Century I autopilot.
* Now X-Plane 11 Compatible
* New mouse scroll-wheel support for cockpit manipulators
* New HDR-compatible custom interior lights (interior lights require HDR ON in X-Plane Rendering Settings)
* New HDR_compatible custom exterior lights (HDR not required for exterior lights, but highly recommended)
* New custom plug-in driven situation-aware sounds sounds recorded from a real Grumman AA5 - open the canopy to hear exterior sounds
* Custom engine startup logic - if the engine is cold, it will take longer to start
* On-screen pop-up control menu provides custom view selections and options controls
* Animated ignition key - click on the keys located on to of glareshield to place them into the ignition
* Radio volumes individually controlled - use the volume control knobs for each radio
* Digital chronometer with custom Local Time, Universal Time and Automated Flight Timer
* Century I autopilot (simulated) built into Turn/Bank indicator provides Stability Mode (wing leveler), VOR tracking, ILS Approach tracking, pitch up/down adjustment and roll override
* Added rain and ice-textured glass objects - automatically appear according to X-Plane conditions
* New 3-D propeller disc effect
* 8 liveries included
* Functional fuses and circuit breakers